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Bentley STAAD Foundation Advanced CONNECT Edition x64 €20 buy download


Bentley Systems Inc., the leading company dedicated to providing comprehensive software solutions for sustaining infrastructure, has released the version of STAAD Foundation Advanced CONNECT Edition, a software package for the analysis and design of a variety of foundations. These include general foundation types such as isolated, combined footings, pile caps, slab on grade or on piles (mat foundations), octagonal, strap, and, plant foundations such as vertical vessel and heat exchanger foundations.

A part of the STAAD family of products, STAAD Foundation Advanced can import and update the geometry, loads, and reactions from a STAAD.Pro model after which it will design the foundation type that we want at those supports. If the type happens to be a pilecap, it can determine a number of pile arrangements and design the pilecap for the arrangment that we choose. Data can also be brought from spreadsheets (e.g., such as that in Microsoft Office Excel®) into STAAD Foundation Advanced.

The output from the program includes customizable reports of the calculations performed, general arrangement drawings, and schedule drawings. The reports are a useful tool for line by line checks to determine the correctness of the calculations if the engineer wishes to do so. The program's graphical interface enables users to view the displaced shapes, shear and moment diagrams, stress distribution, and, reinforcement layout.

For mat foundation designs, STAAD Foundation Advanced creates a finite element model of the mat slab on grade. Soil is treated as spring supports whose stiffness is determined based on the size of the elements of the FE mesh. The model is then analyzed using STAAD.Pro, and, design of the slab is performed by aggregating the results across elements that are clustered into design strips.

In addition to the benefits that interoperability with STAAD.Pro provides, the program also functions in a standalone mode.

What's New in CONNECT Edition Update 1 (version 08.00.01)

The following list describes new or enhanced features of STAAD Foundation Advanced since the CONNECT Edition (Release 08.00). Release date: December 2016

- New Viewer
For mat foundations, in the event that the analysis of the finite element model of the mat fails, a file containing the potential cause of the failure will be displayed in a Viewer.
- Progress Report
The information displayed in the design progress report window can now be saved to a plain text file. Right-click anywhere on the Design Progress Report tab and select Save Output to File from the pop-up menu. In the event that a large number of footings are designed for a large number of load cases, this will enable you to search through and locate any design failures quickly.
- Miscellaneous Enhancements
A number of improvements have been made in the program in areas such as handling of input, removal of defects in calculations for some of the foundation modules, display of output, printing, drawing generation, stability related aspects that resulted in crashes or caused the program to freeze, extensive time taken for analysis of certain modules, etc.
- Updated Examples
New examples have been added for modules such as isolated footings, vessel foundations, etc. These can be accessed from the program Start Page.

About Bentley Systems, Incorporated

Bentley is the global leader dedicated to providing architects, engineers, constructors, and owner-operators with comprehensive architecture and engineering software solutions for sustaining infrastructure. Founded in 1984, Bentley has nearly 3,000 colleagues in more than 45 countries, $500 million in annual revenues, and, since 2001, has invested more than $1 billion in research, development, and acquisitions.

Product: STAAD Foundation Advanced
Version: CONNECT Edition build
Supported Architectures: 64bit
Language: english
System Requirements: PC
Supported Operating Systems: Windows 7even / 8.x / 10


Download File Size:279.82 MB

Bentley STAAD Foundation Advanced CONNECT Edition x64
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