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SIEMENS SIMATIC STEP 7 5.6 Site Package x64 (1 dvd) €25 buy download


Year / Date of Issue / Date: 2017/05
Version / Version: STEP 7 v5.6 Site Package
Original SIMATIC_STEP7_V56.exe with self-unpacking - check the checksums on the website of Siemens
And created Step7_v5.6.iso for virtual disks
Developer: Siemens
Digit: x64 bit
Language: English
System requirements: STEP 7 V5.6 can be used with the following operating systems:
MS Windows 7 Ultimate, Professional and Enterprise (64-bit), with SP1 (and Home version - need edit Setup.ini)
MS Windows 10 Pro and Enterprise (64-bit)
MS Windows Server 2008 R2 (64-bit) with SP1 (Standard Edition as work station computer)
MS Windows Server 2012 R2 (64-bit) (Standard Edition as work station computer)
MS Windows Server 2016 (64-bit) (Standard Edition as work station computer)

STEP 7 is a basic software package that includes tools necessary for programming and operating control systems based on SIMATIC S7 / C7 programmable controllers, as well as computer control systems SIMATIC WinAC.
A distinctive feature of the STEP 7 package is the possibility of developing complex automation projects based on the use of a number of programmable controllers, industrial computers, devices and systems of the human-machine interface, distributed input-output devices, industrial communication network structures. Restrictions on the development of such projects are superimposed only on the functionality of programmers or computers on which STEP 7 is installed.
The STEP 7 tools allow you to:
- Configuring and defining hardware settings.
- Configuring industrial communication systems and setting data transmission parameters.
- Programming, testing, debugging and launching the programs of individual automation systems, as well as their local or remote maintenance.
- Documenting and archiving project data.
- Functions of operational control and diagnostics of equipment.
STEP 7 is included with the SIMATIC Field PG programmer. It can be supplied as a standalone software package for personal computers running Windows 7 / Windows 10 operating systems.
To connect programmable controllers, the computer must be equipped with an MPI / Profibus card or PC / MPI / Profibus adapter and a connecting cable.
STEP 7 provides parallel execution of works on one project by several developers. The only restriction in this case is the inability to simultaneously write data to several developers.

Supported virtualization platforms
You can install the SIMATIC STEP 7 V5.6 software package in a virtual machine. To do so, use one of the following virtualization platforms:
VMware vSphere Hypervisor ESX(i) 6.0
VMware Workstation Pro 12.5.2
VMware Workstation Player 12.5.2
Microsoft Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V.
You can use the following guest operating systems within the selected virtualization platform to install SIMATIC STEP 7 V5.6:
Windows 7 Professional/Ultimate/Enterprise (64-bit)
Windows 10 Pro (64-bit).
There can be restrictions on the STEP 7 online functions.
The same hardware requirements as for SIMATIC STEP 7 V5.6 itself apply to the host operating systems.
The plant operator must ensure that the host operating systems have sufficient system resources. .
We recommend the use of hardware certified by the manufacturers when using HyperV-Server and ESX(i).
With respect to the use of communications processors (e.g. CP5711…), please observe the relevant information in the module documentation and on the SIMATIC Support pages http://support.automation.siemens.com/

Download File Size:4.36 GB

SIEMENS SIMATIC STEP 7 5.6 Site Package x64 (1 dvd)
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