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OpenFlows FLOOD CONNECT Edition V10.02 | 459.3 mb
The Bentley Systems Inc. team is pleased to announce the updated release of OpenFlows FLOOD V10 (buld, is a complete flood modeling software for understanding and mitigating flood risks in urban, riverine, and coastal areas.
The latest release of OpenFlows FLOOD introduces various updates to the previous version as well as addition of new features, tools and functionality to improve user experience, results interpretation, and to provide a more holistic approach towards modeling. We shall go over these updates and features in detail below
What's New in OpenFlows FLOOD ( Connection with SewerGEMS models
With this release it is now possible to directly link existing SewerGEMS model files (.stsw) to integrate seamlessly with MOHID Land. This enables to create a link between the 1D SewerGEMS data with the 2D surface runoff data.
This tool can be accessed in the Toolbox Menu under Urban Floods (Toolbox > Urban Floods > Connect SewerGEMS model to MOHID Land model).
Although the above option mentions connectivity of a SewerGEMS model with FLOOD, technically a model created in any of the four storm-sewer products viz. SewerCAD, StormCAD, CivilStorm and SewerGEMS can be used to link with FLOOD since the file type for all these products is the same (.stsw).
Map Visualization Improvements
With this new release there are improvements made in the way maps are visualized in FLOOD. You can now color code nodes, pipes and channels for a better visualization experience. You can also visualize flow and velocity vectors in pipes or channels in a better way.
Hydraulic Profile View
If the SewerGEMS model which is linked with FLOOD using the new tool, contains profile views created prior to linking; then these will be available inside FLOOD. Using this tool, the available profiles are automatically listed, and the user can select and visualize the hydraulic profiles. Similar to SewerGEMS, the user is able to visualize both types of profiles i.e. analysis profile and engineering profile.
This tool can be accessed in the Toolbox Menu under Visualization (Toolbox > Visualization > SewerGEMS Profiles).
Improved Numerical Modeling
With this release there are improvements in the numerical modeling solvers computing for 1D drainage networks (pipes and channels – both natural or artificial) using SewerGEMS (SWMM) numerical solver. This will provide more realistic results whenever (and wherever) complex hydraulic structures are included in the modeling scenarios.
Also included is a new dynamic bidirectional link between 2D surface runoff using MOHID Land solver and channels (artificial and rivers) using SewerGEMS (SWMM) solver. This ensures more accurate and realistic results in cases where exchange between pipes and (natural or artificial) channels are present.
Integrated urban flood modelling (dynamic exchange between 1D open channels, 1D hydraulic structures such as culverts and retention basins) and 2D surface runoff
Water Quality Modeling Improvements
In addition to the existing capabilities, this release includes the MOHID water quality / water pollution comprehensive capabilities. Apart from property transport (advection-diffusion) in all mediums (coastal and inland surfaces, rivers, soil and groundwater), property transformation is also possible, either using specific and comprehensive water quality models or simple decay approaches.
This expands the range of applicable uses of FLOOD - for instance, allowing the study the water quality impact in a river or coastal area as a result of an emergency discharge (runoff) due to a storm event.
The below short demo includes a preview to the new features of FLOOD
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OpenFlows FLOOD is the latest product offering by Bentley Systems which integrates a coupled version of the MOHID Land and EPA-SWMM solver. This enables you to dynamically simulate the interaction between the storm water drainage system and the surface runoff. OpenFlows FLOOD is a GIS-based platform to analyze and simulate flooding in urban, riverine and coastal environments.
MOHID Land is a numerical engine composed of four compartments or mediums (atmosphere, porous media, soil surface and river network) and water moves through the mediums based on mass and momentum conservation equations. MOHID Land can be used to simulate flood events along with the simulation of erosion and biogeochemical processes necessary to simulate suspended sediment and nutrient loads evolution.
OpenFlows FLOOD also enables the comprehensive simulation of coastal flooding through the inclusion of the MOHID Water engine, enabling the realistic estimation of sea level rise as a result of storm surges or tsunamis.
MOHID Water is a three-dimensional numerical engine used to simulate surface water bodies (oceans, estuaries, reservoirs), and has been applied to several coastal and estuarine areas demonstrating its ability to simulate complex features of the flows.
Bentley OpenFlows FLOOD uses fully spatially-distributed numerical models to simulate all hydrological and hydraulic processes that occur in river basins, including rainfall, infiltration, surface runoff, channel flow, and groundwater flow. In urban areas, Bentley OpenFlows FLOOD can be connected to a model generated by SewerGEMS to simulate the surface and stormwater flow. Additionally, the model can be used to simulate flooding in coastal areas due to storm surges.
Introducing Bentley OpenFlows FLOOD
Bentley Systems, Incorporated is the global leader dedicated to providing architects, engineers, constructors, and owner-operators with comprehensive architecture and engineering software solutions for sustaining infrastructure. Founded in 1984, Bentley has nearly 3,000 colleagues in more than 45 countries, $500 million in annual revenues, and, since 2001, has invested more than $1 billion in research, development, and acquisitions.
Product: OpenFlows FLOOD *
Version: V10 (buld
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : www.bentley.com
Language: english
System Requirements: PC **
Supported Operating Systems: **
Size: 459.3 mb
* Bentley announced the rebranding of its Haestad water modeling and ACTION Modulers flood analysis product lines to form OpenFlows for water districts, sewer utilities and flood plain managers. OpenFlows extends smart water networks capabilities with GIS-based asset-centric information for water loss reduction, water operations, flood prediction and prevention. OpenFlows FLOOD continuously monitors watersheds, integrating data from real-time monitoring stations and numerical models to calculate risk levels. OpenFlows FLOOD mitigates flood risk, improving understanding of the processes involved in flood generation, and transmitting early alerts to reduce the impact caused by floods.
** System Requirements: Supported Operating Systems and Platforms
Windows 10 (64-bit)
Windows 8.1 (64-bit)
Windows 7 (64-bit)
Processor 1.8 GHz or faster
Memory (RAM) 2 GB or more
Display Color Depth 32 bits
Display Resolution 1280x800 or higher
Disk Space 500 MB
Software Microsoft.NET, Framework 4.7
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