BioLibrary (Biology and Medicine) 1000 books (PDF, CHM, DjVu) eBook
BioLibrary (Biology and Medicine) English | 1000 books (PDF, CHM, DjVu) | 5 ISO DVD | Large Books Collection | 4.3 GB x 5
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10th Report on Carcinogens; Revised December 2002 National Toxicology Program
2-D Proteome Analysis Protocols Ed. Link, Andrew J.; 1998
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A Biologist's Guide to Analysis of DNA Microarray Data S. Knudsen; 2002
A Guide to Protein Isolation C.Dennison; 2002
A Laboratory Guide to Human Physiology Concepts and Clinical Applications, Ninth Edition Stuart Fox; 2002
A Practical Guide to Cellular and Molecular Research Methods in Immunology John R. Gordon; 1998
A Practical Guide to Clinical Virology (2nd Edition) Ed. L.R.Haaheim, J.R.Pattison, R.J.Whitley; 2002
A Primer of Multivariate Statistics, 3rd ed. Richard J. Harris; 2001
A Research Agenda for DSM-V Ed. David J. Kupfer, Michael B. First, Darrel A. Regier; 2002
A Text-Book of Practical Organic Chemistry (3rd Edition) A.I.Vogel; 1974
A to Z Drug Facts Ed. David S. Tatro; 2003
A user's guide to the human genome; Nature Genetics supplement Tyra G Wolfsberg, Kris A Wetterstrand, Mark S Guyer, Francis S Collins & Andreas D Baxevanis; 2002
ABC of Clinic Heamatology, 2nd ed. Ed. Drew Provan; 2003
ABC of Clinical Genetics, 3rd ed. H.M. Kingston; 2002
Abraham Lincoln's DNA and Other Adventures in Genetics Philip R. Reilly; 2000
Absorption and Drug Development: Solubility, Permeability, and Charge State Alex Avdeef; 2003
Adenovirus Methods and Protocols Ed. Wold, William S. M.; 1998
Adenoviruses: Basic Biology to Gene Therapy P. Seth; 1999
Adhesion Protein Protocols Ed. Dejana, Elisabetta; Corada, Monica; 1999
Adipose Tissue Protocols Ed. Ailhaud, Gerard; 2001
Administrative Medical Assisting Elizabeth Molle, Laura Southard Durham; 2003
Adrenergic Receptor Protocols Ed. Machida, Curtis A.; 1999
Advanced Molecular Biology: A Concise Reference Richard M. Twyman; 1998
Advanced Signal Processing Handbook: Theory and Implementation for Radar, Sonar, and Medical Imaging Real Time Systems Ed. Stergios Stergiopoulos; 2000
Advances in Brain Imaging Ed. John M. Morihisa; 2001
Affinity Chromatography: Methods and Protocols Ed. P.Bailon, G.K.Ehrlich, W-J Fung, W.Berthold; 2000
Aging Methods and Protocols Ed. Y. A. Barnett and C. R. Barnett; 2000
Agrobacterium Protocols Ed. Gartland, Kevan M. A.; Davey, Michael R.; 1995
Algorithms in Bioinformatics 2001 Ed. Gascuel and B.M.E.Moret; 2001
Algorithms in Bioinformatics 2002 Ed. R.Guigo and D.Gus?eld; 2002
Alzheimer's Disease: Advances in Etiology, Pathogenesis and Therapeutics Edited by Khalid Iqbal, Sangram S.Sisodia and Bengt Winblad; 2001
Alzheimer's Disease: Methods and Protocols Ed. Hooper, Nigel M; 1999
American Medical Encyclopedia v1.0 2002
Amino Acid Analysis Protocols Ed. C. Cooper, N. Packer, and K. Williams; 2000
An Introduction to Computational Biochemistry C. Stan Tsai; 2002
An Introduction to Genetic Algorithms Melanie Mitchell; 1999
An Introduction to Genetic Analysis, 8th Anthony J.F. Griffiths, Susan R. Wessler, Richard C. Lewontin, William M. Gelbart, David T. Suzuki, Jeffrey H. Miller; 2004
An Introduction to Molecular Medicine and Gene Therapy Ed. T.F. Kresina; 2000
Anatomy and Physiology 6th edition Rod Seeley, Trent Stephens, Philip Tate; 2003
Anatomy and Physiology: The Unity of Form and Function Saladin; 2003
Angiogenesis Protocols Ed. J. C. Murray; 2001
Angiotensin Protocols Ed. Wang, Donna H.; 2000
Animal Anatomy On File, New Edition The Diagram Group; 2003
Animal Biotechnology: Science-based Concerns Ed. Debra Davis; 2002
Animal Cell Culture Ed. Pollard, Jeffrey W.; Walker, John M.; 1990
Animal Cell Culture Techniques Ed. M.Clynes; 1998
Animal Cell Culture, A Practical Approach; Third Edition Ed. John R. W. Masters; 2000
Animal Cell Electroporation and Electrofusion Protocols Ed. Nickoloff, Jac A.; 1995
Animal Diversity, Third Edition Cleveland P. Hickman, Jr., Larry S. Roberts, Allan Larson; 2002
Animal Transgenesis and Cloning Louis-Marie Houdebine; 2003
Annual Review of Biochemistry 2003
Annual Review of Biophysics and Biomolecular Structure 2003
Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology 2003
Annual Review of Genetics 2003
Annual Review of Genomics and Human Genetics 2003
Annual Review of Immunology, Vol 21, 2003 Annual Review of Immunology; 2003
Antibacterial Peptide Protocols Ed. Shafer, William M.; 1997
Antibiotic Resistance: Methods and Protocols Ed. Gillespie, Stephen H.; 2000
Antibody Engineering Protocols Ed. Paul, Sudhir; 1995
Antibody Engineering, Methods and Protocols Ed. Lo, Benny K. C.; 2003
Antibody phage display: methods and protocols Ed. P.M. O’Brien R. Aitken; 2001
Anticoagulants, Antiplatelets, and Thrombolytics Ed. Mousa, Shaker A.; 2003
Antigen Processing and Presentation Protocols Ed. Solheim, Joyce C.; 2000
Antisense Technology, Part A General Methods, Methods of Delivery, and RNA Studies Ed. Ian M. Phillips; 1999
Antisense Technology, Part B Applications Ed. Ian M. Phillips; 1999
Antisense Therapeutics Ed. S.Agrawal; 1996
Antiviral Methods and Protocols Ed. Schinazi, Raymond F.; 1999
Anxiety Disorders: An Introduction to Clinical Management and Research Ed. E.J.L. Griez, C. Faravelli, D. Nutt and D. Zohar; 2001
Apoptosis Ed. John C. Reed; 2000
Apoptosis and Cell Proliferation, 2nd ed. Andrew Wyllie, Vicki Donahue, Bertram Fischer, David Hill, Joe Keesey, Simone Manzow; 1998
Apoptosis in Neurobiology Yusuf A Hannun , Rose-Mary Boustany; 1998
Applications of Chimeric Genes and Hybrid Proteins, Part A Gene Expression and Protein Purification Ed. Jeremy Thorner, Scott D. Emr, John N. Abelson; 2000
Applications of Chimeric Genes and Hybrid Proteins, Part B Applications of Chimeric Genes and Hybrid Proteins Ed. Jeremy Thorner, Scott D. Emr, John N. Abelson; 2000
Applications of PCR in Mycology Ed. P.D.Bridge, D.K.Arora, C.A.Reddy, R.P.Elander; 1998
Applied Fluorescence in Chemistry, Biology and Medicine Ed. Wolfgang Rettig; 1998
Arabidopsis Protocols Ed. Martinez-Zapater, Jose M.; Salinas, Julio; 1998
Artificial Intelligence & Molecular Biology Ed. Lawrence Hunter; 1993
Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing: Behavioral and Cognitive Modeling of the Human Brain Amit Konar; 1999
Asthma: Mechanisms and Protocols Ed. Chung, K. Fan; Adcock, Ian; 2000
Atherosclerosis: Experimental Methods and Protocols Ed. Drew, Angela F.; 2000
Atlas of Functional Neuroanatomy Walter Hendelman; 2000
Atomic Force Microscopy, Biomedical Methods and Applications Ed. Braga, Pier Carlo; Ricci, Davide; 2003
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Bacterial Artificial Chromosomes, Volume 1: Library Construction, Physical Mapping, and Sequencing Ed. Zhao, Shaying; Stodolsky, Marvin; 2004
Bacterial Artificial Chromosomes, Volume 2: Functional Studies Ed. Zhao, Shaying; Stodolsky, Marvin; 2004
Bacterial Toxins, Methods and Protocols Ed. Holst, Otto; 2000
Baculovirus Expression Protocols Ed. Richardson, Christopher D.; 1995
Basic Allied Health Statistics and Analysis, 2nd ed. Gerda Koch, Frank Waterstraat; 2000
Basic Cell Culture Protocols, 2nd ed Ed. Pollard, Jeffrey W.; Walker, John M.; 1997
Basic Concepts in Biochemistry - A Student's Survival Guide (2nd Edition) Hiram Gilbert; 1999
Basic DNA and RNA Protocols Ed. Harwood, Adrian J.; 1996
Basic Exercises in Immunochemistry, a Laboratory Manual, 2nd ed A. Nowotny; 1979
Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST) J. Bedell, I. Korf, M. Yandell; 2003
Basic Protein and Peptide Protocols Ed. Walker, John M.; 1994
Beginning Perl for Bioinformatics J. Tisdall, C.A.Sebastopol; 2001
Bioanalysis and Biosensors for Bioprocess Monitoring Ed. B. Sonnleitner; 2000
Biochemical Spectroscopy Ed. Kenneth Sauer; 1995
Biochemie I Hans-Peter Kleber u. Dieter Schlee; 1987
Biochemistry & Genetics PreTest Self-Assessment & Review G.N.Wilson; 2001
Biochemistry I Frank Schmidt; 2000
Biochemistry II Frank Schmidt; 2000
Biochemistry of Signal Transduction and Regulation, Third, Completely Revised Edition Gerhard Krauss; 2003
Biochemistry, 5th ed. Jeremy M. Berg, John L. Tymoczko, Lubert Stryer; 2002
Bioconjugate Techniques Greg Hermanson; 1996
Bioenergetik; Molekulare Grundlagen der biologischen Energieumwandlungen Albert L. Lehninger; 1982
Biofluid Methods in Vascular & Pulmonary Systems Ed. Cornelius Leondes; 2000
Bioinformatics Computing B. Bergeron; 2002
Bioinformatics for Geneticists Ed. M.R. Barnes, I.C. Gray; 2003
Bioinformatics Methods and Protocols Ed. S.Misener, S.A.Krawetz; 1999
Bioinformatics Sequence, Structure, and Databanks - A Practical Approach Ed. D. Higgins and W. Taylor; 2001
Bioinformatics. The Machine Learning Approach (2nd Edition) P.Baldi, S.Brunak; 2001
Bioinformatics: A Guide to Biocomputing and the Internet Stuart M. Brown; 2000
Bioinformatics: A Practical Guide to the Analysis of Genes and Proteins (2nd Edition) Ed. A.D.Baxevanis, B.F.F.Ouellette; 2001
Bioinformatics: Sequence and Genome Analysis D.W.Mount; 2001
Biological Evolution and Statistical Physics M. L?ssig and A. Valleriani (Eds.); 2002
Biological Investigations: Form, Function, Diversity and Process; 6th Edition Warren D. Dolphin; 2001
BIOLOGIE; Ein Lehrbuch; Zweite, verbesserte und erweiterte Auflage Herausgegeben von G. Czihak, H. Langer, H. Ziegler; 1977
Biology (6th Edition) P.H.Raven, G.B.Johnson; 2001
Biology in the Laboratory, Third Edition Doris R. Helms; Carl W. Helms; Robert J. Kosinski; John C. Cummings; 1998 (?)
Biology: Science for Life Colleen M. Belk, Virginia M. Borden; 2004
Bioluminescence Methods and Protocols Ed. LaRossa, Robert A.; 1998
Biomedical Imaging in Experimental Neuroscience Nick Van Bruggen, Timothy P.L. Roberts; 2002
Biomedical Polymers and Polymer Therapeutics Ed. Emo Chiellini, Junzo Sunamoto, Claudio Migliaresi, Raphael M. Ottenbrite, Daniel Cohn; 2001
Biomembrane Protocols, II. Architecture and Function Ed. Graham, John M.; Higgins, Joan A.; 1993
Biopharmaceuticals, an Industrial Perspective Ed. Gary Walsh and Brendan Murphy; 1999
Biopolyesters Ed. W.Babel, A.Steinbuchel; 2001
Biopolymer Methods in Tissue Engineering Ed. Hollander, Anthony P.; Hatton, Paul V.; 2003
Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories, 4th ed Ed. Jonathan Y. Richmond, Robert W. McKinney; 1999
Biosciences on the Internet: A Student's Guide G. Dussart; 2002
Biostatistical Methods Ed. S.W. Looney; 2001
Biotechnological Innovations in Chemical Synthesis Editors: Dr R 0 Jenkins, Dr G Mijnbeek, Professor M E C van Dam-Mieras, Dr C. K. Leach; 1997
Biotechnology for Waste and Wastewater Treatment Nicholas P. Cheremisinoff; 1997
Biotechnology in a Global Economy Office of Technology Assessment; 1991
Biothiols, Part A Monothiols and Dithiols, Protein Thiols, and Thiyl Radicals Ed. Helmut Sies; 1995
Biothiols, Part B Glutathione and Thioredoxin Ed. Helmut Sies; 1995
Biotic Interactions in Plant-Pathogen Associations Ed. M J Jeger and N J Spence; 2001
Biotransformations Ed. K.Faber; 1999
Bipolar Disorder, Volume 5 Ed. Mario Maj, Hagop S. Akiskal, Juan Jose Lopez-Ibor, Norman Sartorius; 2002
Bone Research Protocols Ed. Helfrich, Miep H.; Ralston, Stuart H.; 2003
Brain Facts, Fourth edition Society for Neuroscience; 2002
Bringing Fossils to Life: An Introduction to Paleobiology, 2/e 2003
Brunner and Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing Suzanne C Smeltzer, Brenda G Bare; 2003
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Calcium Signaling Protocols Ed. David G. Lambert; 1999
Calcium-binding Protein Protocols Volume 1: Reviews and Case Studies Ed. Hans J. Vogel; 2002
Calcium-binding Protein Protocols Volume 2 Ed. Hans J. Vogel; 2002
Calculating the Secrets of Life: Contributions of the Mathematical Sciences to Molecular Biology Eric S. Lander and Michael S. Waterman, Editors; 1995
Calpain Methods and Protocols Ed. Elce, John S.; 2000
Campbell Biochemistry, Third Edition 1999
Cancer Cell Culture: Methods and Protocols Ed. Langdon, Simon P.; 2003
Cancer Cell Signaling Methods and Protocols Ed. D.M. Terrian; 2002
Cancer Cytogenetics, Methods and Protocols Ed. Swansbury, John; 2003
Cancer Management 7th ed Richard Pazdur, Lawrence R. Coia, William J. Hoskins, Lawrence D. Wagman; 2003
Cancer Management. A multidisciplinary approach; Seventh edition Richard Pazdur, MD; William J. Hoskins, MD; Lawrence R. Coia, MD; Lawrence D. Wagman, MD; 2003
Cancer Medicine, e5 Ed. Robert C. Bast JR., Donald W. Kufe, Raphael E. Pollock, Ralph R.Weichselbaum, James F. Holland, Emil Frei, III; 2000
Cancer Modelling and Simulation Luigi Preziosi; 2003
Capillary Electrophoresis Guidebook; Principles, Operation, and Applications Ed. Altria, Kevin D.; 1995
Capillary Electrophoresis of Carbohydrates Capillary Electrophoresis of Carbohydrates; 2003
Capillary Electrophoresis of Nucleic Acids; Volume I: Introduction to the Capillary Electrophoresis of Nucleic Acids Ed. Mitchelson, Keith R.; Cheng, Jing; 2000
Capillary Electrophoresis of Nucleic Acids, Volume II: Practical Applications of Capillary Electrophoresis Ed. Mitchelson, Keith R.; Cheng, Jing; 2001
Cardiac Cell and Gene Transfer Ed. Metzger, Joseph M.; 2002
Cardiology H. Ross, C.Hayes, J.Pham, S.Shapira; 2000
Cardiovascular Techniques Ed. Cornelius Leondes; 2001
cDNA Library Protocols Ed. Cowell, Ian G.; Austin, Caroline A.; 1996
cDNA Preparation and Characterization Ed. Sherman M. Weissman; 1999
Celiac Disease: Methods and Protocols Ed. Marsh, Michael N.; 2000
Cell and Tissue Culture: Laboratory Procedures in Biotechnology Ed. Alan Doyle, J. Bryan Griffiths; 1999
Cell Biology, A Short Course; 2nd ed. Stephen R. Bolsover, Jeremy S. Hyams, Elizabeth A. Shephard, Hugh A. White, Claudia G. Wiedemann; 2004
Cell Culture Ed. William B. Jakoby, Ira H. Pastan; 1979
Cell Culture Labfax M. Butler, M. Dawson; 1992
Cell Cycle Checkpoint Control Protocols Ed. Lieberman, Howard B.; 2003
Cell Cycle Checkpoints and Cancer Mikhail V. Blagosklonny; 2001
Cell Cycle Control Ed. William G. Dunphy; 1997
Cell Engineering Ed. Mohamed Al-Rubeai; 1999
Cell Growth, Differentiation and Senescence Ed. George P. Studzinski; 1999
Cell Migration in Inflammation and Immunity, Methods and Protocols Ed. D'Ambrosio, Daniele; Sinigaglia, Francesco; 2003
Cell Physiology Molecular Dynamics Henry Tedeschi; 2002
Cell Separation - A Practical Approach Ed. Derek Fisher, .Gillian E. Francis and David Rickwood; 1998
Cell Separation Methods and Applications Ed. D. Recktenwald, A. Radbruch; 1997
Cellular Aspects of HIV Infection Ed. A.Cossarizza, D.Kaplan; 2001
Cereal Biotechnology Ed. Peter C Morris and James H Bryce; 2000
Cerebrovascular Disease Ed. Pak H. Chan; 2002
Chaperonin Protocols Ed. Schneider, Christine; 2000
Chemical Process and Design Handbook James G. Speight; 2002
Chemistry in the Marine Environment Ed. R.E. Hester and R.M. Harrison; 2000
Chemistry of Protein Conjugation and Cross-Linking Shan S Wong; 1991
Chemistry of the Elements N.N.Greenwood, A.Earnshaw; 1997
Chemokine Protocols Ed. Proudfoot, Amanda E.I.; Wells, Timothy N.C.; Power, Christine; 2000
Chip Technology Ed. J.Hoheisel; 2002
Chiral Separations, Methods and Protocols Ed. G?bitz, Gerald; Schmid, Martin G.; 2003
Chromatin Ed. Paul M. Wassarman, Alan P. Wolffe; 1999
Chromatin and Chromatin Remodeling Enzymes, Part A Ed. Carl Wu, C. David Allis; 2004
Chromatin and Chromatin Remodeling Enzymes, Part B Ed. Carl Wu, C. David Allis; 2004
Chromatin and Chromatin Remodeling Enzymes, Part C Ed. Carl Wu, C. David Allis; 2004
Chromatin Protocols Ed. Becker, Peter B.; 1999
Chromosome Analysis Protocols Ed. Gosden, John R.; 1994
Clinical Applications of Capillary Electrophoresis Ed. Palfrey, Stephen M.; 1999
Clinical Applications of PCR Ed. Lo, Y. M. Dennis; 1998
Clinical Drug Therapy (7th Edition) A.C.Abrams; 2003
Clinical Haematology, 7th ed R.D.Eastham, R.R.Slade; 1992
Clinical Handbook for Biotherapy Paula Trahan Rieger; 1999
Clinical Trials in Oncology, Second Edition Stephanie Green, Jacqueline Benedetti, John Crowley; 2002
CNS injuries: Cellular Responses and Pharmacological Strategies Martin Berry, Ann Logan; 1999
Color Atlas and Textbook of Human Anatomy. Vol. 1. Locomotor System Kahle W., Leonhardt H., Platzer W.; 1986
Color Atlas and Textbook of Human Anatomy. Vol. 2. Internal Organs Kahle W., Leonhardt H., Platzer W.; 1986
Color Atlas and Textbook of Human Anatomy. Vol. 3. Nervous System and Sensory Organs Kahle W., Leonhardt H., Platzer W.; 1986
Colorectal Cancer: Methods and Protocols Ed. Powell,Steven M.; 2000
Combinatorial Chemistry, Part A Ed. John N. Abelson; 1996
Combinatorial Chemistry, Part B Ed. Guillermo Morales, Barry A. Bunin; 2003
Combinatorial Library Methods and Protocols Ed. L.B. English; 2002
Combinatorial Peptide Library Protocols Ed. Cabilly, Shmuel; 1997
Complement Methods and Protocols Ed. Morgan, B. Paul; 2000
Complexity in Biological Information Processing 2001
Computational Approaches to Biochemical Reactivity Ed. G?bor N?ray-Szab? and Arieh Warshel; 2002
Computational Biochemistry and Biophysics Ed. O.M.Becker, A.D.MacKerell, Jr.B. Roux, M.Watanabe; 2002
Computational Chemistry Using the PC, 3rd ed. Donald W. Rogers; 2003
Computational Methods for Protein Folding Ed. Richard A. Friesner; 2002
Computational Modeling of Genetic and Biochemical Networks Ed. J.M. Bower and H.Bolouri; 2001
Computational Molecular Biology, An Algorithmic Approach Pavel A. Pevzner; 2000
Computational Molecular Biology: An Introduction P. Clote, R. Backofen; 2001
Computational Neuroscience: Realistic Modeling for Experimentalists Erik De Schutter; 2000
Computer Methods for Macromolecular Sequence Analysis Ed. Russell F. Doolittle; 1996
Computer Simulation of Liquids M.P.Allen, D.J.Tildesley; 1991
Concepts in Biology; 10th ed. Eldon Enger, Frederick Ross; 2002
Conducting GCP-Compliant Clinical Research: A Practical Guide W. Bohaychuk and G. Ball; 1999
Confocal Microscopy Ed. P. Michael Conn; 1999
Confocal Microscopy Methods and Protocols Ed.S. Paddock; 1998
Connexin Methods and Protocols Ed. Bruzzone, Roberto; Giaume, Christian; 2000
Cooperativity and regulation in biochemical processes Arieh Ben-Nairn; 2001
CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 84th edition Editor in Chief Dr. David R. Lide; 2003
CRC Handbook of Laboratory Safety, Fifth Edition A. Keith Furr; 2000
Cryopreservation and Freeze-Drying Protocols Ed. Day, John G.; McLellan, Mark R.; 1995
Crystallographic Methods and Protocols Ed. Jones, Christopher; Mulloy, Barbara; Sanderson, Mark R.; 1996
Culture and Psychotherapy: a guide to clinical practice Ed. Wen-Shing Tseng, Jon Streltzer; 2001
Culture of Epithelial Cells Ed. R. Ian Freshney and Mary G. Freshney; 2002
Current Critical Care Diagnosis & Treatment, 2nd ed Frederic S. Bongard, Darryl Y. Sue; 2002
Current Diagnosis & Treatment in Infectious Diseases 1st ed Walter R. Wilson, W. Lawrence, MD Drew, Nancy K., Phd Henry, Merle A., MD Sande, David A., MD Relman, James M., MD Steckelberg, Julie Louise, MD Gerberding; 2001
Current Medical Diagnosis & Treatment 2004 43rd ed Ed. Lawrence M. Tierney, Stephen J. McPhee, Maxine A. Papadakis; 2004
Current Obstetric & Gynecologic Diagnosis & Treatment, 9th Ed Alan H. DeCherney and Lauren Nathan; 2003
Current Pediatric Diagnosis & Treatment 16th ed William W. Hay Jr; 2002
Current Protocols in Bioinformatics Ed. A.D. Baxevanis; 2002
Current Protocols in Bioinformatics Ed. Andreas D. Baxevanis; Daniel B. Davison; Roderic D. M. Page; Gregory A. Petsko; Lincoln D. Stein; Gary D. Stormo; 2003
Current Protocols in Cell Biology Ed. Juan S. Bonifacino; Mary Dasso; Joe B. Harford; Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz; Kenneth M. Yamada; 2003
Current Protocols in Cytometry J. Paul Robinson; Zbigniew Darzynkiewicz; Phillip N. Dean; Alan R. Hibbs; Alberto Orfao; Peter S. Rabinovitch; Leon L. Wheeless; 2003
Current Protocols in Food Analytical Chemistry Ronald E. Wrolstad; Terry E. Acree; Eric A. Decker; Michael H. Penner; David S. Reid; Steven J. Schwartz; Charles F. Shoemaker; Denise Smith; Peter Sporns; 2003
Current Protocols in Human Genetics Ed. Nicholas C. Dracopoli; Jonathan L. Haines; Bruce R. Korf; Donald T. Moir; Cynthia C. Morton; Christine E. Seidman; J.G. Seidman; Douglas R. Smith; 2003
Current Protocols in Immunology Ed. John E. Coligan, Ada M. Kruisbeek, David H. Margulies, Ethan M. Shevach, Warren Strober, Richard Coico; 2003
Current Protocols in Magnetic Resonance Imaging Ed. E. Mark Haacke; Weili Lin; Charles P. Ho; Werner A. Kaiser; Jonathan S. Lewin; Suresh K. Mukherji; Richard C. Semelka; Keith R. Thulborn; Pamela K. Woodard; 2003
Current Protocols in Molecular Biology Ed. Frederick M. Ausubel; Roger Brent; Robert E. Kingston; David D. Moore; J.G. Seidman; John A. Smith; Kevin Struhl; 2003
Current Protocols in Neuroscience Ed. Jacqueline N. Crawley; Charles R. Gerfen; Michael A. Rogawski; David R. Sibley; Phil Skolnick; Susan Wray; 2003
Current Protocols in Nucleic Acid Chemistry Ed. Serge L. Beaucage; Donald E. Bergstrom; Gary D. Glick; Roger A. Jones; 2003
Current Protocols in Pharmacology Ed. S.J. Enna (Editor-in-Chief), Michael Williams (Editor-in-Chief), John W. Ferkany, Terry Kenakin, Roger D. Porsolt, James P. Sullivan, Gwen P. Taylor; 2003
Current Protocols in Protein Science Ed. John E. Coligan, Ben M. Dunn, David W. Speicher, Paul T. Wingfield, Hidde L. Ploegh, Virginia Benson Chanda, Shonda A. Leonard; 2003
Current Protocols in Toxicology Ed. Mahin D. Maines (Editor-in-Chief), Lucio G. Costa, Ernest Hodgson, Donald J. Reed, I. Glenn Sipes, Shigeru Sassa, Per Alm, Karl-Eric Andersson, Christopher Bradfield, Kim Boekelheide, Robert R. Chapin, Kathleen S. Morgan; 2003
Current Protocols on CD 2003 (DVD 2)
Current Surgical Diagnosis and Treatment, 11th ed Lawrence W. Way, Gerard M. Doherty; 2003
Current Topics in Computational Molecular Biology Ed. T.Jiang, Y.Xu, M.Q.Zhang; 2002
Cystic Fibrosis: Methods and Protocols Ed. Skach, William R; 2002
Cytochrome P450 Protocols Ed. Phillips, Ian R.; Shephard, Elizabeth A.; 1998
Cytokine Cell Biology, Practical Approach; 3rd ed Ed. Fran Balkwill; 2000
Cytokine Molecular Biology, a Practical Approach Ed. Fran Balkwill; 2000
Cytokine Protocols Ed. De Ley, Marc; 2003
Cytokine Reference Book Joost Oppenheim, Marc Feldman, Scott Durum, Toshio Hirano, Jan Vilcek, Nicos Nicola; 2004 (DVD 2)
Cytokines and Colony Stimulating Factors: Methods and Protocols Ed. D. Korholz and W. Kiess; 2002
Cytokines: Stress and Immunity Nicholas P Plotnikoff, Robert E Faith, Anthony J Murgo, Robert A Good; 1998
Cytomegalovirus Protocols Ed. Sinclair, John; 1999
Cytoskeleton Methods and Protocols Ed. Gavin, Ray H.; 2000
Cytotoxic Drug Resistance Mechanisms Ed. Brown, Robert; Boger-Brown, Uta; 1999
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Das beruhmteste Bakterium: 100 Jahre Escherichia-coli-Forschung Reinhard Piechocki; 1989
Data Analysis in Molecular Biology and Evolution X.Xia; 2002
Dendritic Cell Protocols Ed. Robinson, Stephen P.; Stagg, Andrew J.; 2001
Depressive Disorders, 2nd ed. Ed. Mario Maj, Norman Sartorius; 2002
Detection and Analysis of Genetic Alterations in Normal Skin and Skin Tumours Asa Sivertsson; 202
Detergents 5th Edition; 2002
Developing Bioinformatics Computer Skills C.Gibas, P.Jambeck; 2001
Developmental Biology Protocols, Volume I Ed. Tuan, Rocky S.; Lo, Cecilia W.; 1999
Developmental Biology Protocols, Volume II Ed. Tuan, Rocky S.; Lo, Cecilia W.; 2000
Developmental Biology Protocols, Volume III Ed. Tuan, Rocky S.; Lo, Cecilia W.; 2000
Diabetes Mellitus: Methods and Protocols Ed. Ozcan, Sabire; 2003
Diagnostic and Therapeutic Antibodies Ed. George, Andrew J.T.; Urch, Catherine E; 2000
Diagnostic Bacteriology Protocols Ed. Howard, Jenny; Whitcombe, David M.; 1995
Diagnostic Virology Protocols Ed. Stephenson, John R.; Warnes, Alan; 1998
Dialogues Concerning Two New Sciences Galileo Galilei; 1954
Difco Manual. 11th Edition 1998
Differential Display Methods and Protocols Ed. Liang, Peng; Pardee, Arthur B.; 1997
Differentiation of Embryonic Stem Cells Ed. Paul M. Wassarman; 2003
Directed Enzyme Evolution, Screening and Selection Methods Ed. Arnold, Frances H.; Georgiou, George; 2003
Directed Evolution Library Creation, Methods and Protocols Ed. Arnold, Frances H.; Georgiou, George; 2003
Directed Molecular Evolution of Proteins or How to Improve Enzymes for Biocatalysis Ed. S.Brakmann, K.Johnsson; 2002
Discover Biology (2nd Edition) M.Cain, H.Damman, R.Lue, C.Yoon; 2002
DNA Arrays: Method and Protocols Ed. J.B.Rampal; 2001
DNA Arrays: Technologies and Experimental Strategies Elena V Grigorenko; 2001
DNA Chromatography D.T.Gjerde, C.P.Hanna, D.Hornby; 2002
DNA Methylation Protocols Ed. K.I. Mills, B.H. Ramsahoye; 2002
DNA Microarray Data Analysis M. Minna Laine , Tomi Pasanen, Janna Saarela, Ilana Saarikko, Teemu Toivanen, Martti Tolvanen, Jarno Tuimala , Mauno Vihinen and Garry Wong; 2003
DNA Repair Protocols, Eukaryotic Systems Ed. Henderson, Daryl S.; 1999
DNA Repair Protocols, Prokaryotic Systems Ed. Vaughan, Pat; 2000
DNA Replication Ed. Judith L. Campbell; 1995
DNA Sequencing Protocols Ed. Griffin, Annette M.; Griffin , Hugh G.; 1993
DNA Sequencing Protocols (2nd Edition) Ed. C.A. Graham, A.J.M. Hill; 2001
DNA Topoisomerase Protocols, Volume I: DNA Topology and Enzymes Ed. Bjornsti, Mary-Ann; Osheroff, Neil; 1999
DNA Topoisomerase Protocols, Volume II: Enzymology and Drugs Ed. Osheroff, Neil; Bjornsti, Mary-Ann; 2000
DNA Typing Protocols: Molecular Biology and Forensic Analysis Bruce Budowle, Jenifer A. L. Smith, Tamyra Moretti, Joseph DiZinno; 2000
DNA Vaccines: Methods and Protocols Ed. Lowrie, Douglas B.; Whalen, Robert; 1999
DNA–Protein Interactions, Principles and Protocols Ed. Kneale, G. Geoff; 1994
DNA-Protein Interactions. Principles and Protocols (2nd Edition) Ed. T. Moss; 2001
Drosophila Cytogenetics Protocols Ed. Henderson, Daryl S.; 2003
Drug Abuse Handbook I. Karch, Steven B.; 1997
Drug Safety Evaluation Shayne C. Gad; 2002
Drug Targeting, Organ-Specific Strategies Ed. Dr. Grietje Molema, Prof. Dr. Dirk K. F. Meijer; 2002
Drug Targeting, Strategies, Principles, and Applications Ed. Francis, G. E.; Delgado, Cristina; 2000
Drug–DNA Interaction Protocols Ed. Fox, Keith R.; 1997
Drug-Membrane Interactions: Analysis, Drug Distribution, Modeling. J.K.Seydel, M.Wiese; 2002
Drug-Nucleic Acid Interactions Ed. Jonathan B. Chaires, Michael J. Waring; 2001
Drugs of Abuse, Neurological Reviews and Protocols Ed. Wang, John Q.; 2002
Dynamics of Proteins and Nucleic Acids J.A.McCammon, S.C.Harvey; 1991
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E. coli Gene Expression Protocols Ed. Vaillancourt, Peter E.; 2002
E. coli Plasmid Vectors, Methods and Applications Ed. Casali, Nicola; Preston, Andrew; 2003
E. coli: Shiga Toxin Methods and Protocols Ed. Philpott, Dana; Ebel, Frank; 2002
Eicosanoid Protocols Ed. Lianos, Elias A; 1999
Electrochemotherapy, Electrogenetherapy, and Transdermal Drug Delivery Electrically Mediated Delivery of Molecules to Cells Ed. Jaroszeski, Mark J.; Heller, Richard; Gilbert, Richard; 2000
Electron Microscopy Methods and Protocols Ed. Hajibagheri, M. A. Nasser; 1999
Electron Paramagnetic Resonance in Biochemistry and Medicine R.G.Saifutdinov, L.I.Larina, T.I. Vakul'skaya, M.G.Voronkov; 2002
Electronic Study Guide for Biochemistry by Mathews
Electroporation Protocols for Microorganisms Ed. Nickoloff, Jac A.; 1995
Elements of Molecular Neurobiology, 3rd ed. C. U. M. Smith; 2003
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Embryonic Stem Cells: Methods and Protocols Ed. K. Turksen; 2001
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Emerging Tools for Single-Cell Analysis: Advances in Optical Measurement Technologies Ed. Gary Durack, J. Paul Robinson; 2000
Encyclopedia of Computational Chemistry, Volumes 1(A-D) and 2(E-L) Paul von Ragu? Schleyer; 1998
Encyclopedia of Life Sciences Nature Publishing Group; 2004
Encyclopedia of Molecular Biology Ed. Thomas E. Creighton; 1999
Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals Ed. R.E. Hester and R.M. Harrison; 1999
Energetics of Biological Macromolecules, Part D Ed. Jo M. Holt, Michael L. Johnson, and Gary K. Ackers; 2004
Energetics of Biological Macromolecules, Part E Ed. Jo M. Holt, Michael L. Johnson, and Gary K. Ackers; 2004
Enzyme Kinetics: A Modern Approach Alejandro G. Marangoni; 2003
Enzyme Technologies for Pharmaceutical and Biotechnological Applications Ed. H.A.Kirst, W-K. Yeh, M.J.Zmijewski; 2001
Enzyme Technology Web-Book Martin Chaplin; 2003
Enzyme-Catalyzed Electron and Radical Transfer Ed. Andreas Holzenburg, Nigel S. Scrutton; 2000
Enzymes (2nd Edition) R.A. Copeland; 2002
Enzymes in Industry: Production and Applications, 2nd ed 2004
Enzymes of Molecular Biology Ed. Burrell, Michael M.; 1993
Epithelial Cell Culture Protocols Ed. Wise, Clare; 2002
Epitope Mapping Protocols Ed. Morris, Glenn E.; 1996
Epstein-Barr Virus Protocols Ed. Wilson, Joanna B.; May, Gerhard H. W.; 2001
e-Resumes: Everything You Need to Know About Using Electronic Resumes to Tap into Today's Hot Job Market Susan Britton Whitcomb, Pat Kendall; 2001
Escherichia coli and Salmonella. Cellular and molecular biology (2nd Edition) Ed. F.C.Neidhardt; 1999
Essentials of Anatomy & Physiology, Fourth Edition Rod R. Seeley, Trent D. Stephens, Philip Tate; 2001
Essentials of Clinical Immunology (4th Edition) H.Chapel, M.Haeney, S.Misbah, N.Snowden; 1999
Essentials of Medical Genomics Stuart M. Brown, John G. Hay and Harry Ostrer; 2003
Essentials of Pathophysiology: Concepts of Altered Health States C.M.Porth; 2003
Essentials of Radiologic Imaging, 7th ed Ed. John H. Juhl, Andrew B. Crummy, Janet E. Kuhlman, Lester W. Paul; 1998
Excel for Chemists A Comprehensive Guide E.JosephBillo; 2001
Experimental and Applied Physiology Laboratory Manual, Seventh Edition Richard Pflanzer; 2004
Experimental Biochemistry; Third Edition Robert L. Switzer, Liam F. Garrity; 1999
Exploring the Cell Frank Solomon (Chair), Robert Bloodgood, Robert Blystone, Kay Broschat, Joan Brugge, Sarah Elgin, Elizabeth Gavis, Arthur Lander, J. Richard McIntosh, Constance Oliver, Linda Silveira, Samuel Silverstein, Roger Sloboda and Christopher Watters; 2003
Expression of Recombinant Genes in Eukaryotic Systems Ed. Joseph C. Glorioso, Martin C. Schmidt; 1999
Extracellular Matrix Protocols Ed. Streuli, Charles; Grant, Michael; 2000
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Fermentation and Biochemical Engineering Handbook - Principles, Process Design, and Equipment (2nd Edition) Henry C. Vogel, Celeste C. Todaro; 1996
Field Virology D.M. Knipe, P.M. Howley, D.E. Griffin, R.A. Lamb, M.A. Martin, B. Roizman, S.E. Straus; 2001
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Flourescence Spectroscopy Ed. Ludwig Brand, Michael L. Johnson; 1997
Flow Cytometry M.G.Ormerod; 1994
Flow Cytometry and Cell Sorting, 2nd ed. Ed. Radbruch, Andreas; 2000
Flow Cytometry Applications in Cell Culture Ed. Mohamed M-Rubeai, A. Nicholas Emery; 1996
Flow Cytometry First Principles (2nd Edition) Alice, Longobardi, Givan; 2001
Flow Cytometry Protocols Ed. Jaroszeski, Mark J.; Heller, Richard; 1997
Flow Cytometry Protocols; Second Edition Hawley, Teresa S.; Hawley, Robert G.; 2004
Flow Cytometry, Practical Approach; 3rd ed Ed. M.G.Ormerod; 2000
Foodborne pathogens; Hazards, risk analysis and control Ed. Clive de W. Blackburn and Peter J. McClure; 2002
Forensic DNA Profiling Protocols Ed. Lincoln, Patrick J.; Thomson, Jim; 1998
Foundations in Microbiology Kathleen Park Talaro; Arthur Talaro; 2002
Free Radical and Antioxidant Protocols Ed. Armstrong, Donald; 1998
Freeze-Drying/Lyophilization of Pharmaceutical and Biological Products; 2nd ed. Ed. Louis Rey and Joan C. May; 1999
From Biotechnology to Genomes. The Meaning of the Double Helix Philippe Goujon; 2001
From Genes to Genomes: Concepts and Applications of DNA Technology J.W.Dale, M.von Schantz; 2002
From Genome to Therapy: Integrating New Technologies with Drug Development Ed. G.R. Bock, D.Coben, J.A. Coode; 2000
Fruit and Vegetable Biotechnology Ed. Victoriano Valpuesta; 2002
Functional Genomics: Methods and Protocols M.J. Brownstein, A.B. Khodursky; 2003
Fundamental Virology David M Knipe, Peter M Howley; 2001
Fundamentals of Human Neuropsychology; Fifth Edition Bryan Kolb, Ian Q. Whishaw; 2003
Fundamentals of Oncology, Fourth Edition, Revised and Expanded Henry C. Pitot; 2002
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G Protein Signaling, Methods and Protocols Ed. Smrcka, Alan V.; 2003
G Protein-Coupled Receptors Tatsuya Haga, Gabriel Berstein; 1999
Gene Delivery to Mammalian Cells, Volume 1: Nonviral Gene Transfer Techniques Ed. Heiser, William C.; 2003
Gene Delivery to Mammalian Cells, Volume 2: Viral Gene Transfer Techniques Ed. Heiser, William C.; 2003
Gene Expression in Recombinant Microorganisms Ed. Alan Smith; 1995
Gene Expression Profiling, Methods and Protocols Ed. Shimkets, Richard A.; 2004
Gene Expression Technology Ed. David V. Goeddel; 1990
Gene Isolation and Mapping Protocols Ed. Boultwood, Jacqueline; 1996
Gene Knockout Protocols Tymms, Martin J., Kola, Ismail; 2001
Gene Probes, Principles and Protocols Ed. Aquino de Muro, Marilena; Rapley, Ralph; 2001
Gene Regulation and Metabolism. Post-Genomic Computational Approaches Ed. Julio Collado-Vides and Ralf Hofestadt; 2002
Gene Targeting Protocols Ed. E.B.Kmiec; 1999
Gene Targeting: A practical Approach Ed. Alexandra Joyner; 2000
Gene Therapy Methods Ed. Ian M. Phillips; 2002
Gene Therapy of Cancer: Methods and Protocols Ed. Walther, Wolfgang; Stein, Ulrike; 2000
Gene Therapy Protocols Ed. Robbins, Paul D.; 1996
Gene Therapy Protocols, 2nd ed Ed. Morgan, Jeffrey R.; 2001
Gene Therapy Technologies - Applications and Regulations A.Meager; 2000
Gene Therapy Therapeutic Mechanisms and Strategies Ed. Nancy Smyth Templeton, Danilo D. Lasic; 2000
Gene Transfer and Expression Protocols Ed. Murray, Edward J.; 1991
General Microbiology, Fourth edition R.G:Stanier, E.A.Adelberg, J.L.Ingraham; 1976
General, Organic and Biochemistry Denniston; Topping; 2003
Generation of cDNA Libraries Ed. S.-Y. Ying; 2003
Genes 7 B.Lewin; 2000
Genes VIII Benjamin Lewin; 2004
Genetic and Evolutionary Computation – GECCO 2003, part I Ed. E. Cant?-Paz, J.A. Foster, K. Deb, L.D. Davis, R. Roy, U.-M. O’Reilly, H.-G. Beyer, R. Standish, G. Kendall, S. Wilson, M. Harman, J. Wegener, D. Dasgupta, M.A. Potter, A., C. Schultz, K.A. Dowsland, N. Jonoska, J. Miller; 2003
Genetic and Evolutionary Computation – GECCO 2003, part II Cant?-Paz, E.; Foster, J.A.; Deb, K.; Davis, L.D.; Roy, R.; O'Reilly, U.-M.; Beyer, H.-G.; Standish, R.; Kendall, G.; Wilson, S.; Wegener, J.; Dasgupta, D.; Potter, M.A.; Schultz, A.C.; 2003
Genetic Recombination, Reviews and Protocols Ed. Waldman, Alan S.; 2004
Genetic Techniques for Biological Research: A Case Study Approach Corinne A. Michels; 2002
Genetics. A Conceptual Approach B.Pierce; 2002
Genetics: From Genes to Genomes, Second Edition Leland Hartwell, Leroy Hood, Michael L. Goldberg, Ann E. Reynolds, Lee M. Silver, Ruth C. Veres, Ricki Lewis; 2003 (DVD 3)
Genetics: Principles and Analysis; Fourth Edition Daniel L. Hartl, Elizabeth W. Jones; 1998
Genetik, zwischen Furcht und Hoffnung Hrsg. von Anna M. Wobus und Ulrich Wobus; 1991
Genome, The Story of the Most Astonishing Scientific Adventure of Our Time - The Attempt to Map All the Genes in the Human Body Jerry E,Bishop and Michael Waldholz; 1999
Genomic Imprinting - Methods and Protocols Ed. A.Ward; 2001
Genomic Imprinting and Uniparental Disomy in Medicine: Clinical and Molecular Aspects Eric Engel, Stylianos E. Antonarkis; 2002
Genomics and Proteomics: Functional and Computational Aspects Ed. S.Suhai; 2002
Genomics Protocols Ed. M. P. Starkey and R. Elaswarapu; 2001
Genomics: The Science and Technology Behind the Human Genome Project C.R.Cantor, C.L.Smith; 1999
Germ Cell Protocols, Volume 1: Sperm and Oocyte Analysis Ed. Schatten, Heide; 2004
Germ Cell Protocols, Volume 2: Molecular Embryo Analysis, Live Imaging, Transgenesis, and Cloning Ed. Schatten, Heide; 2004
Glossary of Molecular Biology Terminology Kenneth Kaushansky,; 2001
Glutamate and Addiction Ed.Barbara H. Herman; 2003
Glycoanalysis Protocols Ed. E.F. Hounsell; 1998
Glycoprotein Methods and Protocols: The Mucins Ed. A. Corfield; 2000
Gnomic. A Dictionary of Genetic Code E.N. Trifonov, V.Brendel; 1986
Green Flourescent Protein Ed. P. Michael Conn; 1999
Green Fluorescent Protein: Applications and Protocols Ed. B. W. Hicks; 2002
Group Sequential Methods with Applications to Clinical Trials Christopher Jennison, Bruce W Turnbull; 1999
Grzimek’s Animal Life Encyclopedia: Fishes I; Second Edition Michael Hutchins, Dennis A. Thoney, Paul V. Loiselle, Neil Schlager; 2003
Grzimek’s Animal Life Encyclopedia: Fishes II; Second Edition Michael Hutchins, Dennis A. Thoney, Paul V. Loiselle, Neil Schlager; 2003
Grzimek’s Animal Life Encyclopedia: Insects; Second Edition Michael Hutchins, Arthur V. Evans, Rosser W. Garrison, Neil Schlager; 2004
Grzimek’s Animal Life Encyclopedia: Protostomes; Second Edition Michael Hutchins, Sean F. Craig, Dennis A. Thoney, Neil Schlager; 2004
GTPase Protocols: The Ras Superfamily Ed. J. Manser and T. Leung; 2002
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Guide to Protein Purification Ed. Murray P. Deutscher; 1990
Guide to Techniques in Mouse Development Ed. Paul Wassarman, Melvin DePamphilis, John Abelson, Melvin Simon; 1993
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Handbook of Chemical Processing Equipment Nicholas P. Cheremisinoff; 2000
Handbook of Chemical Reactor Design, Optimization, and Scaleup E. Bruce Nauman; 2002
Handbook of Comparative Genomics: Principles and Methodology Cecilia Saccone, Graziano Pesole; 2003
Handbook of Herbs and Spices Ed. K.V. Peter; 2000
Handbook of Inorganic Chemicals Pradyot Patnaik; 2002
Handbook of Neuroprosthetic Methods Ed. Warren E.Finn, P.G.LoPresti; 2003
Handbook of Solvents Ed. G. Wypych; 2001
Hansen Solubility Parameters: A User's Handbook Charles Hansen; 1999
Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 15th ed Eugene Braunwald, Anthony Fauci, Dennis Kasper, Stephen Hauser, Dan Longo, J. Jameson; 2001
Hazardous Chemicals Handbook P. A. Carson and C. J. Mumford; 1994
Helicobacter pylori Protocols Ed. Clayton, Christopher L.; Mobley, Harry L. T.; 1997
Hematologic Malignancies: Methods and Techniques Ed. Faguet, Guy B.; 2000
Hematology. A Combined Theoretical and Practical Approach Arthur Simmons; 1996
Hematopoietic Stem Cell Protocols Ed. Klug, Christopher A.; Jordan, Craig T.; 2001
Hemoglobin Disorders: Molecular Methods and Protocols Ed. Nagel, Ronald L; 2003
Hemophilus influenzae Protocols Ed. Herbert, Mark A.; Hood, Derek W.; Moxon, E. Richard; 2002
Hemostasis and Thrombosis Protocols Ed. Perry, David J.; Pasi, K. John; 1999
Hepatitis B and D Protocols, Volume 1: Detection, Genotypes, and Characterization Ed. Hamatake, Robert K.; Lau, Johnson Y. N.; 2004
Hepatitis B and D Protocols, Volume 2: Immunology, Model Systems, and Clinical Studies Ed. Hamatake, Robert K.; Lau, Johnson Y. N.; 2004
Hepatitis C Protocol Ed. Lau, Johnson Y. N.; 1998
Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Methods and Protocol Ed. Habib, Nagy A.; 2000
Herpes Simplex Virus Protocols Ed. Brown, S. Moira; MacLean, Alasdair R.; 1997
Heterotrimeric G-Protein Effectors Ed. Ravi Iyengar; 1994
Heterotrimeric G-Proteins Ed. Ravi Iyengar; 1994
Heuristics and Optimization for Knowledge Discovery Ruhul A. Sarker, Hussein A. Abbass, Charles S. Newton; 2002
High Resolution Separation and Analysis of Biological Macromolecules, Part A Fundamentals Ed. Barry L. Karger, William S. Hancock; 1996
High Resolution Separation and Analysis of Biological Macromolecules, Part B Applications Ed. Barry L. Karger, William S. Hancock; 1996
High Throughput Screening - The Discovery of Bioactive Substances Ed. John P. Devlin; 1997
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History and Trends in Bioprocessing and Biotransformation 2002
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Holes Human Anatomy and Physiology, 9th ed. Shier; Butler; Lewis; 2001
How Scientists Think P.H.Raven, G.B.Johnson; 2001
How To Get A Research Job in Academia and Industry 1996
How to Present at Meetings Ed. George M Hall; 2001
How to Read a Paper - the Basics of Evidence Based Medicine Trisha Greenhalgh; 2001
How to Survive Peer Review. A Survival Guide for Healthcare Professionals Elizabeth Wager, Fiona Godlee, Tom Jefferson; 2002
How to Write & Publish a Scientific Paper (5th Edition) R.A. Day; 1998
HPLC of Macromolecules, a Practical Approach Ed. R.W.A. Oliver; 1989
HPLC of Peptides and Proteins, Methods and Protocols Ed. Aguilar, Marie-Isabel; 2003
Human Airway Inflammation: Sampling Techniques and Analytical Protocols Ed. Rogers, Duncan F.; Donnelly, Louise E.; 2001
Human Anatomy Saladin, Kenneth; 2004
Human Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory Manual, Fetal Pig Dissection Terry Martin; 2003
Human Anatomy, Sixth Edition Van De Graaff; 2001
Human Biology Mader; 2001
Human Cell Culture Protocols Ed. Jones, Gareth E.; 1996
Human Cell Culture, Volume IV: Primary Hematopoietic Cells Ed. Manfred R. Koller, BernhardO.Palsson and JohnR.W. Masters; 2002
Human Genetics Concepts and Applications, Fifth Edition Ricki Lewis; 2002
Human Physiology, 8th ed Stuart Fox; 2003
Human Physiology: The Mechanisms of Body Function; 9th ed. Eric P. Widmaier; Hershel Raff; Kevin T. Strang; 2003
HURST'S The Heart Valentin Fuster, R. Wayne Alexander, Robert A. O'Rourke, Robert Roberts, Spencer B. King, Eric N. Prystowsky, Ira Nash, Eric N. Prystowsky; 2004
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Immunobiology: The Immune System in Health and Disease, 5th ed Charles A. Janeway Jr., Paul Travers, Mark Walport, Mark J. Shlomchik, J. Donald Capra; 2001
Immunochemical Protocols Ed. Manson, Margaret M.; 1992
Immunochemical Protocols, 2nd ed Ed. Pound, John; 1998
Immunocytochemical Methods and Protocols Ed. Javois, Lorette C.; 1994
Immunocytochemical Methods and Protocols, 2nd ed Ed. Javois, Lorette C.; 1999
Immunoenzyme Multiple Staining Methods C.M. Van der Loos; 1999
Immunoinformatics: Bioinformatic Strategies for Better Understanding of Immune Function Novartis Foundation Symposium; 2003
Immunology for physicists A.S.Perelson; 1997
Immunology, v4 Richard A.Goldsby, Thomas J.Kindt, Barbara A.Osborne; 2002
Immunotoxin Methods and Protocols Ed. Hall, Walter A.; 2000
In Silico Simulation of Biological Processes Ed. Gregory Bock and Jamie A. Goode; 2002
In Situ Detection of DNA Damage, Methods and Protocols Ed. Didenko, Vladimir V.; 2002
In Situ Hybridization Protocols Ed. Choo, K. H. Andy; 1994
In Situ Hybridization Protocols, 2nd ed Ed. Darby, Ian A.; 1999
In Situ PCR Techniques Omar Bagasra, John Hansen; 1997
In Vitro Mutagenesis Protocols Ed. Trower, Michael K.; 1996
In Vitro Mutagenesis Protocols, 2nd ed Ed. J.Braman; 2001
In Vitro Toxicity Testing Protocols Ed. O'Hare, Sheila; Atterwill, Christopher K.; 1995
In Vitro Transcription and Translation Protocols Ed. Tymms, Martin J.; 1995
In Vivo Optical Imaging of Brain Function Ron Frostig; 2002
Industrial Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Heinrich Klefenz; 2002
Inflammation Protocols Ed. Winyard, Paul G.; Willoughby, Derek A.; 2003
Influence of Stress on Cell Growth and Product Formation 2000
Information Technologies in Medicine, vol I: Medical Simulation and Education Ed. Metin Akay, Andy Marsh; 2001
Information Technologies in Medicine, Volume 2, Rehabilitation and Treatment Ed. Metin Akay, Andy Marsh; 2001
Inorganic Biochemistry of Iron Metabolism: From Molecular Mechanisms to Clinical Consequences, 2nd Edition Robert Crichton; 2001
Inquiry into Life Sylvia Mader; 2003
Instant Notes in Immunology P.M. Lydyard, A. Whelan and M.W. Fanger; 1999
Integrated Treatment of Psychiatric Disorders Ed. Jerald Kay, John M. Oldham, and Michelle B. Riba; 2001
Integrative Approaches to Molecular Biology Ed. J.Collado-Vides, B.Magasanik, and T.F.Smith; 1996
Integrin Protocols Ed. Howlett, Anthony R.; 1999
Interleukin Protocols Ed. O'Neill, Luke A. J.; Bowie, Andrew; 2001
International Textbook of Obesity Ed. P.Bjorntorp; 2001
Introduction in Clinical Pharmacology (7th Edition) Sally S Roach; 2003
Introduction to Algorithms, Second Edition Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest and Clifford Stein; 2001
Introduction to Bioinformatics A.M. Lesk; 2002
Introduction to Bioinformatics Teresa Attwood, David Parry-Smith; 1999
Introduction to Bioinformatics. A Theoretical and Practical Approach Ed. S.A. Krawetz, D.D.Womble; 2003
Introduction to Cell and Tissue Culture. Theory and Technique Ed. J.P.Mather and P.E.Roberts; 1998
Introduction to Forensic Sciences, Second Edition Ed. William G. Eckert; 1996
Introduction to Immunocytochemistry, Second Edition J.M.Polak, S.Van Noorden; 1997
Introduction to Medical Immunology (4th Edition) Ed. G.Virella; 1998
Introduction to Practical Phytobacteriology, a Manual for Phytobacteriology SAFRINET; 2000
Introduction to Protein Architeccture, The Structural Biology of Proteins Arthur M. Lesk; 2000
Introduction to Proteomics. Tools for the New Biology Ed. D.C.Liebler; 2001
Introductory Plant Biology Kingsley Stern, Jim Bidlack, Shelley Jansky; 2003
Invertebrates, Second Edition Richard C. Brusca and Gary J. Brusca (late); 2002
Ionic Channels of Excitable Membranes, 2nd edition Bertil Hille; 1992
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Kaplan & Sadock's Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry (2 Volume Set), 7th ed Ed. Benjamin J. Sadock, Virginia A. Sadock; 2000
Key Questions in Surgical Critical Care Robert U. Ashford; T. Neal Evan; R. Andrew Archbold; 2003
Kinesin Protocols Ed. Vernos, Isabelle; 2000
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La Pratique de la Correspondance Ghislaine Andreani; 1995
Laboratory Atlas of Anatomy and Physiology, Fourth Edition Eder; 2003
Laboratory Exercises in Organismal and Molecular Microbiology Steve Alexander Dennis Strete Mary Jane Niles; 2004
Laboratory Manual and Workbook in Microbiology Applications to Patient Care; 7th ed. Josephine A. Morello, Paul A. Granato, Helen Eckel Mizer; 2003
Langes Handbook of Chemistry Dean, John A; 1999
Langman's Medical Embryology (9th Edition) T.Sadler; 2003
Large-Scale Biomedical Science: Exploring Strategies for Future Research Ed. Sharyl J. Nass and Bruce W. Stillman; 2003
LC/MS Applications in Drug Development Mike S. Lee; 2002
Lectin Methods and Protocols Ed. Rhodes, Jonathan M.; Milton, Jeremy D.; 1997
Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry, Fourth Edition David L. Nelson, Michael M. Cox; 2005
Lehrbuch der Pflanzenphysiologie Eike Libbert; 1979
Lentivirus Gene Engineering Protocols Federico, Maurizio; 2003
Life, Fifth Edition Ricki Lewis; Douglas Gaffin; Marielle Hoefnagels; Bruce Parker; 2003
Life, The Science of Biology; Seventh Edition William K. Purves, David Sadava, Gordon H. Orians, Craig Heller; 2003
Linus Pauling: Scientist and Peacemaker Ed. Clifford Mead and Thomas Hager; 2001
Lipase and Phospholipase Protocols Ed. Doolittle, Mark; Reue, Karen; 1998
Lipoprotein Protocols Ed. Ordovas, Jose M.; 1998
Liposome Methods and Protocols Ed. Basu, Subhash C.; Basu, Manju; 2002
Liposomes, Part A Ed. Nejat Duzgunes; 2003
Liposomes, Part B Ed. Nejat Duzgunes; 2003
Liposomes, Part C Ed. Nejat Duzgunes; 2003
Liquid Chromatography – Mass Spectrometry : An Introduction Robert E. Ardrey; 2003
Lung Cancer, Volume 1: Molecular Pathology Methods and Reviews Ed. Driscoll, Barbara; 2002
Lung Cancer, Volume 2: Diagnostic and Therapeutic Methods and Reviews Ed. Driscoll, Barbara; 2002
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Mammalian Artificial Chromosomes, Methods and Protocols Ed. Sgaramella, Vittorio; Eridani, Sandro; 2003
Manual of Diagnostic Antibodies for Immunohistology; Second Ed. Kumarasen Cooper, Joel Leong, Anthony Leong; 2002
MAP Kinase Signaling Protocols Ed. Seger, Rony; 2004
Marine Biology, Fourth ed. Peter Castro, Michael Huber; 2003
Mass Spectrometry Ed. James A. McCloskey; 1991
Mass Spectrometry of Proteins and Peptides Ed. J. R. Chapman; 2000
Mastering Perl for Bioinformatics James Tisdall; 2003
Matrix Metalloproteinase Protocols Ed. I. Clark; 2000
Medical Aspects of Chemical And Biological Warfare Ed.Russ Zajtchuk, Ronald F. Bellamy; 1997
Medical Imaging Physics, 4th Edition William R. Hendee, E. Russell Ritenour; 2002
Medical Physiology R.A. Rhoades, G.A. Tanner; 2003
Medical Terminology: An Illustrated Guide, Fourth Edition Barbara J Cohen; 2003
Medications for Mental Illness NIH Publication No. NIH 02-3929; 2002
Medicinal Natural Products Paul M Dewick; 2002
Melanoma Techniques and Protocols Ed. B.J. Nickoloff; 2001
Membrane Protein Protocols Ed. B.S. Selinsky; 2003
Membrane Transporters, Methods and Protocols Ed. Yan, Qing; 2003
Meningococcal Disease: Methods and Protocols Ed. Pollard, Andrew J.; Maiden, Martin C.J.; 2001
Meningococcal Vaccines: Methods and Protocols Ed. Pollard, Andrew J.; Maiden, Martin C.J.; 2001
Merritt's Neurology 10th ed Ed. Merritt, Lewis P. Rowland, Randy Rowland; 2000
Metabolic Engineering Ed. J.Nielsen; 2001
Metastasis Research Protocols Volume 1: Analysis of Cells and Tissues Brooks, Susan A., Schumacher, Udo; 2001
Metastasis Research Protocols, Volume 2: Analysis of Cell Behavior In Vitro and In Vivo Brooks, Susan A., Schumacher, Udo; 2001
Methods in Genomic Neuroscience Hemin R Chin, Steven O Moldin; 2001
Methods of Behavior Analysis in Neuroscience Jerry J Buccafusco; 2000
MHC Protocols Ed. S.H. Powis, R.W. Vaughan; 2002
Microarray Gene Expression Data Analysis; A Beginner's Guide Helen Causton, John Quackenbush, Alvis Brazma; 2003
Microbial Life Jerome J. Perry, James T. Staley, and Stephen Lory; 2002
Microbial Physiology, 4th Edition Ed. Albert G. Moat, John W. Foster, Michael P. Spector; 2002
Microbial Transport Systems Ed. Gunther Winkelmann; 2001
Microbiological Applications: A Laboratory Manual in General Microbiology, 8th ed. Harold J. Benson; 2002
Microbiology Experiments: A Health Science Perspective, 4/e John Kleyn, Mary Bicknell; 2003
Microbiology for the Health Sciences (7th Edition) G.R.W.Burton, P.G.Engelkirk; 2003
Microbiology, 5th Edition Lansing M. Prescott; 2002
Microbiology: A Human Perspective, 4/e Eugene W. Nester, Denise G. Anderson, C. Evans Roberts, Jr., Nancy N. Pearsall, Martha T. Nester; 2004
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Mitochondria I.E.Scheffler; 1999
Mitochondrial DNA: Methods and Protocols Ed. W. C. Copeland; 2002
Mobile Genetic Elements, Protocols and Genomic Applications Ed. Miller, Wolfgang J.; Capy, Pierre; 2004
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Modern Analytical Chemistry D.Harvey; 1999
Modern Applied Statistics with S, 4th ed Venables, W.N., Ripley, B.D.; 2002
Modern Experimental Biochemistry (3rd Edition) R.Boyer; 2000
Modern Genetic Analysis A.J.F.Griffiths, W.M.Gelbart, J.H.Miller, R.C.Lewontin; 1999
Modern Microbial Genetics (2nd Edition) Ed. U.N.Streips, R.E.Yasbin; 2002
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Modern Techniques in Neuroscience Research 1999
Molecular Analysis of Cancer Ed. J. Boultwood, C. Fidler; 2001
Molecular Bacteriology: Protocols and Clinical Applications Ed. Woodford, Neil; Johnson, Alan; 1998
Molecular Biology in Cellular Pathology Ed. John Crocker, Paul G. Murray; 2003
Molecular Biology in Marine Science: Scientific Questions, Technological Approaches, and Practical Implications National Research Council Washington DC Committee on Molecular Marine Biology; 1994
Molecular Biology of the Cell (3rd Edition) B.Alberts, D.Bray, J.Lewis, M.Raff, K.Roberts, J.D.Watson; 1994
Molecular Biology of the Gene, Fifth Edition James D. Watson; Tania A. Baker; Stephen P. Bell; Alexander Gann; Michael Levine; Richard Losick; 2004
Molecular Biology Problem Solver: A Laboratory Guide Ed. A.S.Gerstein; 2001
Molecular Biology, 2/e Robert F. Weaver; 2001
Molecular Cell Biology (5th Edition) H.Lodish; A.Berk; P.Matsudaira; C.A.Kaiser; M.Krieger; M.P.Scott; S.L.Zipursky; J.E.Darnell; 2003
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Molecular Chaperones Ed. George H. Lorimer, Thomas O. Baldwin; 1998
Molecular Cloning (web-site version) J.Sambrook, D.Russell; 2001
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Molecular Diagnosis of Genetic Diseases Ed. Elles, Rob; 1996
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Molecular Embryology, Methods and Protocols Ed. Sharpe, Paul T.; Mason, Ivor; 1999
Molecular Evolution Ed. Russell F. Doolittle; 1990
Molecular Evolution, Producing the Biochemical Data Ed. Thomas J. White, Rebecca L. Cann, Allan C. Wilson; 1993
Molecular Fluorescence: Principles and Applications Bernard Valeur; 2001
Molecular Genetics of Mammalian Cells Ed. Michael M. Gottesman; 1987
Molecular Methods in Developmental Biology, Xenopus and Zebrafish Ed. Guille, Matt; 1999
Molecular Modeling of Nucleic Acids Ed. N.B.Leontis, J. SantaLucia, Jr.; 1997
Molecular Modelling. Principles and applications; Second edition Andrew R.Leach; 2001
Molecular Neuroscience Patricia Revest, A. Longstaff; 1997
Molecular Pathology of the Prions Ed. Baker, Harry F.; 2001
Molecular Pathology Protocols Ed. Killeen, Anthony A.; 2000
Molekular- und Zellbiologie Peter von Sengbusch; 1979
Monoclonal Antibodies Ed. P.Sheperd and C.Dean; 2000
Monoclonal Antibody Production 1999
Monoclonal Antibody Protocols Ed. Davis, William C.; 1995
Mouse Genetics. Concepts and Applications Lee M. Silver; 1995
mRNA Processing and Metabolism, Methods and Protocols Ed. Schoenberg, Daniel R.; 2004
Muscular Dystrophy: Methods and Protocols Ed. Bushby, Katherine M.D.; Anderson, Louise V.B; 2001
Musculoskeletal Models and Techniques Cornelius T Leondes; 2000
Mycobacteria Protocols Ed. Parish, Tanya; Stoker, Neil G.; 1998
Mycoplasma Protocols Ed. Miles, Roger J.; Nicholas, Robin A. J.; 1998
Mycotoxin Protocols Ed. Trucksess, Mary W.; Pohland, Albert E.; 2000
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Natural Killer Cell Protocols: Cellular and Molecular Methods Ed. K. S. Campbell and M. Colonna; 2000
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Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics, 17th edition Richard E. Behrman, Robert M. Kliegman, and Hal B. Jenson; 2003
Neural Stem Cells: Methods and Protocols Ed. T. Zigova, P. R. Sanberg, and J. R. Sanchez-Ramos; 2002
Neuroanatomy: An Atlas of Structures, Sections, and Systems, 6th Edition Duane E. Haines; 2003
Neurobiology of Aggression, Understanding and Preventing Violence Mattson, Mark P; 2003
Neurodegeneration Methods and Protocols Ed. Harry, Jean; Tilson, Hugh A.; 1998
Neurogenetics, Methods and Protocols Ed. Potter, Nicholas T.; 2002
Neuroinflammation Mechanisms and Management, 2nd ed. Wood, Paul L.; 2002
Neurological Foundations of Cognitive Neuroscience Mark D'Esposito; 2002
Neuropeptide Protocols Ed. Irvine, G. Brent; Williams, Carvell H.; 1996
Neuropeptide Y Protocols Ed. Balasubramaniam, Ambikaipakan; 2000
Neuropharmacology Methods in Epilepsy Research Steven L Peterson, Timothy E Albertson; 1998
Neurotransmitter Methods Ed. Rayne, Richard C.; 1997
Neurotransmitters and Neuromodulators: Handbook of Receptors and Biological Effects Oliver von Bohlen und Halbach, Rolf Dermietzel; 2002
Neurotransmitters, Drugs and Brain Function Ed. Roy Webster; 2001
Neurotrophin Protocols Ed. Rush, Robert A.; 2000
New Concepts in Cerebral Ischemia Rick C. S. Lin; 2001
New Nucleic Acid Techniques Ed. Walker, John M.; 1988
New Products and New Areas of Bioprocess Engineering 2000
New Protein Techniques Ed. Walker, John M.; 1988
New Vaccine Technologies Ed. Ronald W. Ellis; 2001
Nicotinic Receptors in the Nervous System Edward D Levin; 2001
NMDA Receptor Protocols Ed. Li, Min; 1999
Nonradioactiv in Situ Hybridization
Nonviral Vectors for Gene Therapy: Methods and Protocols Ed. Findeis, Mark A.; 2001
Novel Anticancer Drug Protocols Ed. Buolamwini, John K.; Adjei, Alex A.; 2003
Nuclear Envelope Dynamics in Embryos and Somatic Cells Ed. Philippe Collas; 2003
Nuclear Receptors Ed. David W. Russell; 2003
Nuclease Methods and Protocols Ed. Schein, Catherine H.; 2001
Nucleic Acids Ed. Walker, John M.; 1984
Nucleic Acids Structures, Properties, and Functions V.A.Bloomfield, D.M.Crothers, I.Tingo, Jr.; 2000
Numerical Computer Methods, Part D Ed. Ludwig Brand and Michael L. Johnson; 2004
Numerical Computer Methods, Part E Ed. Michael L. Johnson and Ludwig Brand; 2004
Nursing in Today’s World: Trends, Issues, and Management (8th Edition) Janice Rider Ellis RN, Celia Love Hartley; 2003
Nursing Research: Principles and Methods (7th edition) D.Polit, B.P. Hungler; 2003
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Okologische Biochemie Schlee, Dieter; 1986
Oncogene techniques Ed. John N. Abelson, Melvin I. Simon; 1995
Opioid Research: Methods and Protocols Ed. Pan, Zhizhong Z.; 2003
Organic Chemistry, 4/E Paula Yurkanis Bruice; 2004
Ovarian Cancer Methods and Protocols Ed. Bartlett, John M. S; 2000
Oxford Textbook of Surgery (3-Volume Set) 2nd ed Ed. Peter J. Morris, William C. Wood; 2000
Oxidants and Antioxidants, Ultrastructure and Molecular Biology Protocols Ed. Armstrong, Donald; 2002
Oxidative Stress Biomarkers and Antioxidant Protocols Ed. Armstrong, Donald; 2002
Oxygen Sensing Ed. Chandan K. Sen and Gregg L. Semenza ; 2004
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p53 Protocols Ed. Deb, Sumitra; Deb, Swati Palit; 2003
Parkinson's Disease Methods and Protocols Ed. Mouradian, M. Maral; 2001
Pasteur's Quadrant: Basic Science and Technological Innovation Donald E. Stokes; 1997
Patch Clamping: An Introductory Guide to Patch Clamp Electrophysiology Areles Molleman; 2002
Patent Fundamentals for Scientists and Engineers, Second Edition Thomas T Gordon, Arthur S Cookfair; 2000
Pathogenesis of Neurodegenerative Disorders Mattson, Mark P.; 2001
Patterns and Experiments In Developmental Biology; 3rd ed. Leland Johnson, E. Peter Volpe; 2001
Patty's Toxicology Eula Bingham, Barbara Cohrssen, Charles H. Powell; 2001
PCR M.J. McPherson and S.G. M?ller; 2000
PCR Cloning Protocols (2nd Edition) Ed. B.-Y. Chen and H. W. Janes; 2002
PCR Cloning Protocols; From Molecular Cloning to Genetic Engineering Ed. White, Bruce A.; 1996
PCR Detection of Microbial Pathogens, Methods and Protocols Ed. Sachse, Konrad; Frey, Joachim; 2002
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